"Family Owned,Faith Based, and Quality Driven"
Jenkins Cattle Ranch is a fifth generation family owned business in southern Indiana that raises Black Hereford cattle, which is the fastest growing cattle breed in the United States. The Jenkins name means something to the people in our community and industry. Behind that name there is a century-old history of uncompromising standards, unwavering faith, and a commitment to quality. At Jenkins Cattle Ranch, it’s all about family-faith-quality and that’s not just a business tag line, it’s a way of life.

Herd Sires
Jo Revolution 9506
Jo CHBH JCR High Roller 7D ET
Latest News

2022 Cattleman's Congress Update!
Jo Revolution 9506 is now the 2022 Cattlemen's Congress Supreme Overall Black Hereford Bull as well as Grand Champion Purebred Bull! Now we are headed for the final drive next week!
Jo Revolution 9506 is co-owned with Jo Bulls and Jenkins Cattle Ranch. We want to say a big thank you to everyone involved and especially to Colben Dodson for doing a fantastic job getting him ready and showing him in the ring.

We are so excited about this bull, JCR’s The One HR Cat 002 ET. He is now a 3 time Grand Champion Percentage bull winning three of the four Major shows in the ABHA! Junior Nationals, The American Royal and now the North American! We will be headed to the Cattleman’s Congress the first of the year to try to make it 4. We couldn’t be more excited to have this bull purchased at the American Royal Sale by Crescent Hill Black Herefords and Jo Bulls. It means the world to us that these two farms have put their confidence in our breeding!
JCR'S The One HR Cat 002 ET, completed a clean sweep of the major percentage bull shows this year. Grand Champion Percentage Bull at Cattlemen's Congress, The American Royal, and the NAILE. He is the first bull to accomplish that feat in the ABHA. He is also a two time Junior Grand Champion Percentage Bull as well as the 2022 Cattlemen's Congress Reserve Supreme Overall Black Hereford Bull.

JCR's Coop
JCR’s Coop HR 2296 has became one of the farm favorites. He’s a Purebred bull that comes from our first High Roller heifer x UPS Sensation 2296. As a young bull he has had quite the year starting at the ABHA Junior Nationals as Grand Champion Cow Calf Pair with his dam, then Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Bull at the American Royal and recently the Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Bull at NAILE! Cannot wait to see what he does at the Cattleman's congress in Oklahoma!
JCR's COOP HR 2296 has won the Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Bull at the 2022 Cattleman's Congress!